No. It's pretty much a Mario Kart clone in a fancy wrapper.
So you never playedany of the Carmageddon games?
Never played Burnout Paradise?
Never played either of the first two Wipeout titles?
You prefer the*sim* sort of racers (such as GRiD)?
If that describes you, then you're right; Split/Second (and the upcoming Blur) is not going to be your cup of hyper-caffeinated coffee.
However, if you miss the sort of arcade racer that is so rare on the PC that Burnout Paradise is the only other current title on the PC right now (and even BP is a year old), or you like the idea of a game without hyper-restrictive DRM, split-screen, and even LAN play (yes; all that is supported on the PC), then Blur (which comes out on Tuesday) and Split/Second (out now) are what you've been looking for.
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