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PJ Interview...Gbrading

Gbrading in short: His real name is Gareth, has some of the most historical/cultural blogs I've seen on Gamespot, live in the 'dreaming spires of Oxford.'

What is you're all time favourite console and why?

Well, I don't know if the PC can be cIassified as a 'console', but it's got to be the PC. Mainly probably because it's the only one I have actually owned, and the one I grew up using. I could never get the hang of console control systems, even today. I dislike the way that if you move, it is slightly imprecise. I've recently learnt this trying to play LittleBigPlanet on my friend's PS3, and always inevitably falling into lava pits or nasty spikes (there seem to be a lot of them in LBP). The mouse and keyboard, although having a lot more keys to press and figure around, almost always make moving around easier. (PJ: To be fair LittleBigPlanet is probably not the best example for precision...)

What would be your perfect setting for a game?

Tricky question. At first I thought the Titanic would make a great place to have some kind of RPG/adventure game, but then I remembered that "Titanic: Adventure out of Time" wasn't really a brilliant game. What I would like to see at some point would be a game based around the "Mortal Engines Quartet", by Philip Reeve. For those who haven't read the books, I would highly recommend checking them out. It's set in the distant future, where the world has been decimated by war, and there exist Traction Cities; which are entire cities that are mounted on caterpillar tracks which roll across the landscape, and includes such places as London, Brighton and Anchorage. Larger cities prey upon smaller ones, a process known as Municipal Darwinism. I think it is a fascinating setting, but I am still to work out the details of a game that might be set there.

Which is better? Cats or Dogs?

Infinitely cats. Dogs will love you blindly no matter what you do. With a cat, you have to work for its affection. My cat will only pay me any attention if I feed it at the precise time every day, otherwise I am worth nothing. That's real love. :D

Why will The Beatles be a great fit for Rock Band?

I have to give a reason!? :P I think the fact that it's, you know, The Beatles (by definition, the greatest band ever), is a great enough reason in itself. But seriously, The Beatles are so much more than "She Loves You" and "I Want to Hold Your Hand". They were, above and beyond anything, the first group who could ever lay their claim to the title of a "rock band". Listen to "Tomorrow Never Knows", or listen to "Back in the U.S.S.R."Even today, modern musicians are still borrowing just about every riff and rhythm from them. People blindly assume that just because they played 40 years ago, their music is somehow dated. Will this all come across in Rock Band? I can only hope so, but we'll see how it goes. (PJ: Yes but...are they decent guitar solos? :P )

You have just been told by a giant talking head that you are destined to save the world. What is your first reaction?

I would have to conclude that I had finally gone totally insane, and that I should be sent for psychiatric evaluation immediately. Either that or the talking head has accidentally got the wrong guy, since I'm pretty sure I'm not destined to save the world. It must be tough being disembodied afterall, I wouldn't like it. ;)

What is the most frustrating game you have played and why?

It would be a toss up between Myst III: Exile, or Fahrenheit. In Fahrenheit, there are a million and one Quick Time Events that I was constantly failing because of bad reactions, that I had to play through a dozen times. For Myst III, it has always been trying to fill a certain airship with the correct amount of air. I could never seem to get the right pressure, and so I was never able to finish the game. I consulted every walkthrough I could find, but I still couldn't fill the airship with the appropriate pressure. To this day I haven't finished Myst III. (PJ: Maybe it's not the air...but the 1.21 gigawatts you need to power it ;) )

The left door or the right door?

Naturally I'm going to choose the correct door. Wait, which is the wrong door again? Is that right? Which one will be left? :?

If you could have a cameo in any game, what would be?

Ah, at first I thought it would be great to appear in Max Payne, but since every person Max meets during the game he ultimately machineguns into small piles of flesh, I decided against it. I would like to cameo within Half-Life 2 as a typical rebel citizen fighting the Combine, always just chipping in, in the middle of a heated battle just to say "Don't forget to reload Dr. Freeman!" My dream is played out in this issue of Concerned(best Webcomic ever). (PJ: So you'd have a man crush on Gorden Freeman then? :P )

And the all important question...what is your favourite type of chocolate?

Type-wise, milk chocolate almost every time, only dark chocolate occasionally. White chocolate isn't actually chocolate, it's just pretending. Make-wise, I'd go with Cadbury, Lindt or Moser-Roth brands. (PJ: ...why no love for Thornton's? :( )

Thanks again Brading! As always if any of you are interested in being interviewed PM me or say so in the comments box. :)

Next time! Most likely canana but I can't say for certain...