Tagged and the Time is Melting!!
by PJ24 on Comments
Well, it appears Yagr_Zero as tagged me in this ten facts game. I'm hardly one the ruin the fun so here it is, Though I'm only going to do 5. Why? Because it was hard enough writing that :P. 1. I am ever so mildly Autistic. Though I think it barley affects me. I do have the occasional session of bad concentration and I do have a few habits that it would probably help me the kick (wear something other than a T-shirt? MADNESS! :P ) But other than that I say I'm pretty normal :). Now if you excuse me I'm off to lick that tree... 2. I have freakishly flexible legs. As people who don't know me comment about quite often. :P When I sit down I often go into what people call 'the yoga position' subconsciously without realizing, it seem really comfortable to me but generally people say it doesn't look comfortable :P 3. I have played Zelda: The Wand of Gamelon...it is as bad as the internet says it is. The controls are so bad I can't even get past the first stage :( 4. While on a jog I was once chased out of a caravan park by a pack of dogs. I don't not run by caravan parks anymore. Though I have to admit, it was the fastest I've even run on a jog. :D 5. I appear to have become a Facebook addict. Perhaps it's because it easy to make contact with old friends on it or maybe it's just because I'm bored but I've found myself checking it several times a day recently. Is this wrong or normal? You can give a sigh of relief I'm not going to tag anybody. :) ----------------------------------------------------------------- This has got to be a record for how long I've been without a blog. Uni has been a hell of a lot more time consuming than I thought it would be. The only thing I've been able to keep up with is the blogs of all you guys and considering my first assignments are due within the next two weeks I don't think I'm going to improve anytime soon. I wish I could be around more but I just don't have the time at the mo. I've barely played any games since I arrived at the uni! :shock: As a result I think I'm going to throw in the towel as a mod soon, because I've done close to nothing with the role as of late. I've got no lectures next week so I should be able to get some stuff done then...but after that?... Anyway, GAMES! As I said I haven't been playing too much but I have been able to complete Brutal Legend. Overall I say it's a pretty damn good game (great game if your into heavy metal :P ). I've always liked to explore the landscape in games like this and Brutal Legend doesn't have some very eye catching scenery. I wish the whole RTS thing was a little more intuitive but it does the job...I did beat the game on brutal with it so it isn't too bad. ;) Also, Rock Band in dorms = AWESOMENESS!!! :D That all from me for now. See you on the other side :)...yeah, I know that make no sense. :P