Last gen
by PMR24 on Comments
All right the 7 generation of game is herl but why sould we give up on the last gen. Cas think about it some of the best game are on the last gen. Im not sayin that u sould not get a Xbox 360 or ps3. but im havin give up on last gen yet and im not goin to. cas there stiil a lot of good game on tem. Yes the graphic are not as good. but think about why sould we give up on tem. im not sayin that evebaty sotp playin tem. But your PS2 miss bein play and your XBOX. But what eve l havin givein up on tem yet and il would as long as there stiil good game on tem. Yes il will upgrade but just not yet. But like il say play You PS2 sometime Or you XBOX or bye a game for one of tem. just becas you have a PS3 , 360 or a WII. but why sotp playin last gen well if you dont wel to play it that ok. Think for reabind