i'm really not much of a writer,but i am trying my best to make a conscious effort to blog and to get my points of view and thoughts across. since i,ve been a member of this website, i have been learning my way around(posts,reading reveiws,etc).i have been a gamer for a long time, and it is a real pleasure to see and read other members profiles/thoughts and opinions on gaming. some people have such command of the english language that i can really relate to their p.o.v. . i really cant see how people can find the time and energy to put such effort and detail to their profiles, but they do . i commend all of you. i also want to take the time to personally thank all of my friends that i have met thru this website.it is because of all of you that inspire and motivate me to get my point across and write.sometimes i am so tired from work that i only might have energy just to log on and look for for videos of games i am interested in or to watch the weekly shows gamespot provides.for those that dont know my profession i am a registered nurse and i work at a forensic treatment center w/ people that are ineligible to prosecute or not guilty by reason of insanity. sometimes it can get physically and mentally frustrating. a lot of times i have good intentions of writing/posting, but end up being so tired, i usually talk to my wife for 10 mins about the events of my day/play a certain level of a game for 20 mins and then go to bed.when i was younger i would play games for hours,but as i got older that game time gets shorter and shorter.i can remember so many wonderful and exciting times playing and accomplishing and completing games within the past 26 years that i could post until im 70. but getting to the topic at hand i appreciate all of you gamespot members you take your passion for gaming seriously. and i am forever grateful for that. when i see my young men(kids) play, i always reflect back when i was there age playing. for example..my youngest twin is trying to obtain the seriously achievement in gears of war,i can remember when i was 15, thats when i came across zelda for the nes.i received it for christmas as a gift from my mom. i played it the entire length of my christmas vacation.(i did beat it before vacation was over). i dont mean to rant but it is just fond memories of my adolescence,and to see my sons feeling the same way about their goals/accomplishments , it makes me feel good. i not saying that every parent should do the same thing as me,but i have been blessed with two smart,intelligent,well-mannered/behaved kids. they do well in school,involved w/ activities with their church,trained in jujitsu for 6 years(both have their black belts training under their teacher and mentor din thomas),and just all-around good kids.and that has a lot to do with the way me and my wife raised them. anyway thank you all for giving me the motivation to write and let you all know a little about me and my life.give me some time and i will make another blog as soon as i get the time,also learning to upload videos as well(coming soon). thank you for your time,take care and god bless
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