I decided to replay assassin's creed, try to acquire more achievements. currently at 680 pts. thanks to inspiration from (ms. cortana and kingrich06) i have a number of titles i can try again to get the full 1000 pts. i just need to apply myself. also if anyone who has soulcaliber 4 for the 360/live member(s), i can help you get some achievements ex. just impacts,wall hits,etc. just link up w/ me thru email, or send it on xboxlive, my friends list is full so please message me here first. Anyways,i am enjoying castle crashers in fact i'm playing a lot of live arcade lately.also playing pub games as well,i'm not revealing my stash. i don't want microsoft to come after (me, ha-ha). that's about it. talk to you later gamespotters.
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