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Fable 2 the **** action rpg ever made

Nobody really gives a **** what i think, however, i have to say without a doubt that Fable 2 is the worst action rpg(if you can call it that) game ever.

scenery is great but very very linear. the whole rpg factor and the game can be finished within one night(story missions that is). the rest of the missions take some time, however, for an action rpg that is already max out why would you want to. the only thing that keeps people playing and action rpg is that feeling of accomplishment when you reach the next level and unlock new spells, skills, features and mission.

Peter, where are the 1,000's of wepons that your designers said there were on your "Lionhead is the greatest game company in the world dvd" included with the collectors addition game. Are you able to get a little bit more creative in the weapon selection? may put some added benefits to the weapons. keep all your character design features and maybe add some armor feature and give the enemies more health or make them harder to kill **** these should be standard design features with any action rpg if that is what you want to call it!!! Who that **** wants to waste there time to do jobs in a game, lame.

this brings me to another point. Gamespot you are ****ing stupid to rate this game so highly when you don't even mention that it can be finished in one night, and that the side missions and collecting the silver keys and what not, give you gold which at that stage you have enough gold to sink the entire U.S. naval fleet.

**** this game and **** any down-loadable content that come out unless it has what i have mentioned previously.

Peter, keep everything that you have in the game, introduce new weapons, items, skills, spells, strengths and make everything harder to kill and make everything more exspensive to buy and get rid of the jobs and make killing enemies give you gold and keep the character customization and build on it. if you can do all that you will have a license to print money. Oh and by the way 2 player co-op.......what a GOD DAMN DISASTER!!!!!

Things about Fable 2

So, i am a little over hlaf way through Fable 2 when i decide that it is no point to continue to play the rest of the game, why?

Firstly, i have enough gold to sink the entire U.S. nazy fleet to the bottom of the Pacific ocean.

Secondly, there is no point to have this gold since all you need to use is the magic and the weapons at that stage are so cheap compared to your money anyway(just if you got bored of using the magic attacks and used the melee just for somthing different).

Thirdly, getting married has absolutly no point in the game other than being different to other games. This is o.k. however, there really needs to be a purpose other than being a good person, because the "spouse" ends up leaving you because you spend to much time on a quest and don't visit them. Which if you have been a good and pure player like me, none of the other townspeople gives a **** because they all want to marry you both men and women?????

Fourthly, there is no other difficulty level, this would be nice sice the magic can only go to level 5 in which this case everything is piss easy to kill. this would be greatly appreciated since it would be more challaging and have more room to improve your skill levels.

More thoughts coming

Fable 2

I have just bought and am starting to play Fable 2, despite all the reviews of this game falling short of the action-adventure rpg game that it was supposed to portrait. i have decided to put that all aside and play the game anyway to see what it is all about. from the first impressions upon starting the game it is pretty good neglecting the fact that all the characters are speaking in an old english accent......Badly! Why there isn't any variety in the people is a bit of a let down i mean i know the game was produced in the UK but they could used another person from another country to act out some of the characters, anybody please..On the other hand the good side to starting the game was kicking the chickens..sad really when you are talking about an amazing action/adventure rpg but anyway still following the story.

After following the story through until i was able to adventure out into games open world. having my first melee battle seemed ok with the melee and ranged weapons, however, once gaining a magic ability i found that the graphics effect and feeling from using the magic had a lot left to be desired. anyway i am out of the cave and exploring the open world and the imediate feeling is that i am all alone in a place that i really should be able to kill something..anything! after i spent a good hour to search the whole area to find some gold to get me started and throwing an absolutly F****** useless ball to a dog to fetch, by the way putting a dog in the game does not make it more fun....perhaps if the dog actually attacked something making a good to look at or useful for something it would be good, but i fail to see a point to it at the moment. maybe further through the game i will see that.

Next onto the town. Entering the town i quickly realise i can steal just about anything i can see which i did, however, after knowing that the sheriff will come if you steal to much and after trying to resist arrest and battling the sherriff for around 30 GOD DAMN MINUTES i suddenly realised that i can't kill him or anyone else for that matter at this stage. maybe latter in the game i can have that luxury. next is the Job that i can aquire and the houses and businesses that i can buy and the gambling that i can play. i am a big fan of mini games in the game if they have any F****** purpose which fable 2 there is none. i have seen the review from Yahtzee on for those of you that don't know it yet and in the words of Yahtzee "you can buy the houses, businesses, gamble and get a job, but why would you want to. as it only serves to get more money that you don't really need to buy anything because there is nothing really good to buy at this stage. to be continued.....

Gears of war 2

this games absolutly rocks. the blood and gore is fantastic, however, i would have like to have more manual control over the chainsaw when ripping into the locusts, hoping they can put that in if there is ever a gears of war 3. the sounds from all the weapons are destructiove in a very good way. you don't even need to have surround sound to feel like you are right there in the battle. i like the cut sceens how they played into the chapters but it felt like it needed more to the story line like, where did the giant rit-worm come from and how did it get so big, also i would have like to have seen what actually happened to Tai when he was being tortured so much that he wanted to kill himself. and what happened with the lambant and the locusts.

the other thing i didn't like was the annoying maneuverability of the tank, painstakingly trying to turn that thing around in a tight spot. even the warthog in halo can drive better than that thing. but the action is awesome and i can't get enough of it, my one wish is that there were more locusts to kill in the campaign mode, alot more.