Nobody really gives a **** what i think, however, i have to say without a doubt that Fable 2 is the worst action rpg(if you can call it that) game ever.
scenery is great but very very linear. the whole rpg factor and the game can be finished within one night(story missions that is). the rest of the missions take some time, however, for an action rpg that is already max out why would you want to. the only thing that keeps people playing and action rpg is that feeling of accomplishment when you reach the next level and unlock new spells, skills, features and mission.
Peter, where are the 1,000's of wepons that your designers said there were on your "Lionhead is the greatest game company in the world dvd" included with the collectors addition game. Are you able to get a little bit more creative in the weapon selection? may put some added benefits to the weapons. keep all your character design features and maybe add some armor feature and give the enemies more health or make them harder to kill **** these should be standard design features with any action rpg if that is what you want to call it!!! Who that **** wants to waste there time to do jobs in a game, lame.
this brings me to another point. Gamespot you are ****ing stupid to rate this game so highly when you don't even mention that it can be finished in one night, and that the side missions and collecting the silver keys and what not, give you gold which at that stage you have enough gold to sink the entire U.S. naval fleet.
**** this game and **** any down-loadable content that come out unless it has what i have mentioned previously.
Peter, keep everything that you have in the game, introduce new weapons, items, skills, spells, strengths and make everything harder to kill and make everything more exspensive to buy and get rid of the jobs and make killing enemies give you gold and keep the character customization and build on it. if you can do all that you will have a license to print money. Oh and by the way 2 player co-op.......what a GOD DAMN DISASTER!!!!!