well by sunday , all three next gen systems will be out. First off i gotta say that in the previous generation, i wasnt a sony fan boy but i did prefer the ps2 GREATLY to the xbox and gamecube. But now i feel like the ps3 is getting too MUCH attention. I think the wii has a stronger launch with zelda and red steel which is better than any launch game for the ps3. Most of the ps3 games are multi platform nd only a few are exclusive like genji, resistance, untold legends and full auto 2 . Yet theres still a huge excitement and craziness to get the ps3 even when people know there are usually glitches in the first shipment... And from what ive read through game informer and IGN, the graphics arent noticably better than the 360. So why are people dying to give their 500/600 $ to sony ? I dont know but im more than happy with Gears of War , and i think GOW > than any sony launch title.... Im waiting till 2008 to get my ps3, so by then , there will be a good amount of good games out and they'll actually have them in stock.
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