Halo 3.
PROvY17's forum posts
why the hell do u care so much? lol ur acting like its sooo terrible that it could come to the 360...only reason a ps3 fanboy will get sick over this, is if they have to actually look at 1 second of a great game being dumbed down for an inferior system. im sure just looking at jagged edges and bland textures, massive popup, would be enough to make anyone sick. God forbid if its on 3 or 4 discs too... "Please insert disc to to continue your crappy port of a great game"
i think the 360 is better because i like the exclusives and the controller and the xbox live more than the others not sayin ther bad.just my opinion.
gears is good but at times can be extremely frustrating and the game also takes skill to play unlike halo or cod4 although i like them both too.
100% agreedWow... people really care about this stuff? Who gives a crap about other people and there gamertag.
i say red faction: guerilla and shadowrun both are really good
devil may cry and metal gear solid
oh yeah and Resident Evil 5 was sick
i say both. and gears 2 is amazing and damnation and red faction: guerilla look pretty interesting if u wanna take a look, they come out next month. and just sayin a good fps would be shadowrun, its so addictive and fun.
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