Happy holidays guys!:D It's almost Christmas Eve! We've had three snowstorms for the past week or so! and I'm bored to death!:lol:
Anyways, ya I'm pretty bored so, ooookay. Ya...riiiiight.
And because I'm bored, I'm gonna blog about...*drumroll*.....
Ah, christmas. Such a beautiful time of the year. I can't wait! I'm gonna have a party on Christmas Eve, and it's gonna be awesome! I also can't wait to open my gift. Oh, and this may sound cheesy, but I love unwrapping gifts.
I already got one gift from one of my homies.
Ya, I'm getting annoying now, aren't I? Sorry, but it's a symptom of boredom. Yesterday, I looked at the snow outside, and it was so deep that it reached my patio steps.
Another great thing is my favourite holiday movie. A Christmas(CHRISTMAS!)Story. I love the part when he says the 'f' word and tells his mom that his friend taught him it. Then his mom calls his friend's mom, and you could hear the kid get his ass whooped!:lol: That was hilarious. So ya, that's all I got to say for now, peace!