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WWE Blog- Trish wrestled again!

yesterday, Dec.22.08, RAW took place in Toronto,ON(W00T!):lol: Even though I'm from Toronto, I was wondering a little why they were cheering for the heels. Then, it hit me. Jericho is from Winnipeg, Santino was born in Mississauga. We cheer for Canadians, understand? But, the highlight of the night had to be when Trish Stratus came in. Glamarella(Santino and Beth) challenged John Cena to a mixed tag match. At first, he asked Kelly Kelly and she agreed, but then she left(there's still some drama from the Kane story). So, the Chain Gang Commander came into the ring alone at match time. He announced that Santa was there. And, that Santa gave Cena a wish. That's when trish came in. It was definetely an interesting match. Canada's Greatest Export and The Chain Gang Commander won with a chick kick from Trish to Beth, and an F-U on Santino, followed by a pin.:) Yeah, that was an interesting main event, all right.

But, I have a big problem. Why does Y2J always get a rematch for the title? He's had a chance to defend it, he lost. He had his chance to retain it, he lost again. Now, he may have a third shot at it. You should only get one rematch for a while. I mean, how many days do we have to see Jericho be champion. I guess it's time for HBK, JBL, and Randy Orton to do the saving, from Y2J himself.:D

Now, that brings me to another problem. What was HBK thinking?:? Now, JBL will probably make him lose next week's Fatal 4-Way. Atleast HBK is pretty smart. He slapped JBL infront of the referee. But, do you think he needs to slap the self-made millionaire so hard? I don't think so. Hopefully nothing happens to DeGeneration X. It also sucks, how Batista doesn't get his shot.:cry: I liked how they started, though. Kane apologizing to Kelly Kelly. Just take a second to think about what they would look like as a couple. *thinking,thinking,thinking,thinking,thinking*ahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahah:lol:

Holy crap, that's freakin' hilarious.*wipes tears away*:lol: heh,heh.

So yeah, that's it for now, PEACE OUT HOMEY!