What MS is failing to see is that they are going to alienate a lot of people with this always on connection. There are still a lot of people out there that either don't have broadband of any kind because of where they live or just don't have the internet. Forcing an always on connection (and you know it will be required to play your games) will leave them out of playing any of the new 720 games. MS needs to rethink this and if Sony is thinking about doing this as well then they need to rethink this as well or lose a crap load of customers. I will be getting PS4 as MS forgot about the core gamer.
Odds are I will get flamed just for my name but oh well. Anyway I went to my neighbors the day before yesterday as he wanted to show me Halo 3. He is a 360 fan and I am a PS3 can but I am saving for a 360 and he is saving for a PS3. Anyway when I was playing the Halo 3 with him and I do find being able to play the single player with 2 player very cool, I noticed the gameplay has not changed much but why fix what ain't broken right? But I thought a couple of aspects of the game could have been better. For one I think the graphics could have been better, I am not saying they don't look great as they do but I know the 360 can do more, the best part of the graphics were the water effects and the lighting. Some of the best lighting I have seen in a game. Also certain aspects of the sound was a bit weak, especially when it pertains to the guns. I really think they should have worked on the sound of the guns more. Other than that I thought the game was really fun and that is saying a lot as I am not a huge Halo fan to begin with. And do not flame me for that I had Halo 1 and 2 on my old Xbox so I do have an informed opinion. But I will say this when I finally have enough money to get a 360 Halo 3 will be one of the games that I pickup.
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