Okay, so I'll start this post by saying that I quit my job, because I had to work with a bunch of pricks. But, there is a bright side! I was left with $200 of spending money! So I decided that I should open a teen bank account. Well I did and the dude that set it up put $100 in my bank account, and the other $100 in a savings account. Okay well that sucks, because I was going to buy DARKBasic and the two books that teach the program. That would've been about $185. So that's out of the picture, but what I did, with some money I already had, was buy a wireless HP mouse. It works great! Love it! I also bought the StarCraft Battle Chest from GameStop, and this game is outstanding! I'm addicted! I still play Diablo II but lately I've been playing more of this. Okay, just one issue in this blog. The Battle Chest I bought was a recent re-release of the games. And that's just perfect, because these versions were updated to work with Windows Vista without any compatibility issues whatsoever. That's great because I have Vista and love these games. BUT! When I bought the Diablo Battle Chest recently, I had to go through all the trouble of patching these games to get them to work with Vista. And here's my problem ladies and gentlemen! WHY THE HELL CANT YOU MAKE A PATCH FOR THE ORIGINAL DIABLO, TO MAKE IT WORK WITH VISTA? If Blizzard is going to put the game in the Battle Chest, shouldn't they make the game compatible with modern PCs? I went to their support page and tried downloading the latest patch but I can't because I have Vista! So I read a few FAQs and forums and all I heard wat to go to properties > compatibility > run in compatibility mode for XPSP2. Tried it. Made the game glitch up more than ever. Why even put it in the Battle Chest? Nobody's going to downgrade their system to play an old game! Okay, I covered that issue, so now back to the basics. I also (believe it or not ladies and gentlemen) got my hands on a brand new, factory sealed black label Kingdom Hearts at a Hastings for only $10. Go search eBay and see how much I saved! Unbelieveable!
'Till Next Time,
Jesse James