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Nintendo DS:

The majority of my games are for the DS, even though it is not my favourite console. But I feel I should take advantage of this and start to review and rate them more for other people's advantages.

I will be posting more about the DS and will be reviewing and rating them more. I have roughly 40 games so I am going to need to get reviewing now ;)


Battlefield 1943: My Records

Today I was playing Battlefield 1943 on PS3. I was the Imperial Japanese Navy on the map Gaudalcanal. I got 30 kills, 1 death, 8 flags captured with a total 900 points! The American troops didn't know what had hit them! Then I wonder how I played the game so well considering my internet connection is so poor, next game I was onto 30 kills again and chugchugchugchug. The repetitive sound of machine gun fire, endlessly playing in the background, yes another wasted game down to poor connection.

About Me!

I will be reviewing Nintendo Wii/DS and PS3 games as soon as I get my level up! My PSN is TheGaminator