The 360 lineup looks worse now with Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 anounced for PS3 that's another 08 exclusive now going multiplatform after Dead Rising 2 that's another blow for microsoft.
they lost exclusivity of Bioshock, Dead Rising, Ninja Gaiden, and more
then theirs the 09 lineup basically most games that came out for them like halo wars, the last remnant, flopped in both score and sales even the GTA dlc is saying to have low sales and that's not even a full fledged game,and they look like they don't have games this year only a halo expansion and ninja blade which is already getting bad reviews.
360 owners I hear them saying but but they got games from the past to save their system but games from the past cant save a system eventually gamers want new stuff do you think they will still be excited about halo 3 or fable 2 once PS3 gets new God of War 3, Twisted Metal, Gran Turismo 5, Final fantasy XIII Versus, Heavy Rain, Uncharted 2, Katamari Damacy Tribute, inFAMOUS,Yakuza 3, Little Big Planet 2, Cross Edge, L.A. NOIRE, the new exclusive from Kojima, Under Siege, War Devil, Quantom Theory, White knights Chronicles and more
and not to mention that the competition playstation 3 in just the few months this year managed to get 2 AAA's Killzone 2 and MLB 09 The Show and their current games are getting awards like crazy Little Big Planet comes to mind.
it currently has more AAA and AAAA than 360 even though the 360 had a one year head start.
not to mention that the 360 still has the problems with RROD and the new monstrosity hiting the E07 and that it's the cheapest system out of the 3 and has not had very great sales being the cheapest.
it's sad to see could things get any worse for 360 :( i'm hoping at E3 they anounce more games as to give the system a little hop or wabble it just breaks my heart seeing it in this situation.
wow, very insightful and i agree....but im pretty sure alot of other people see this too, just look at the 360 sales dropping...and nowI heard Metal Gear Rayden and a new Ratchet and Clank game is coming out it's like xbox 360 is not getting any breaks, they need to anounce something FAST :(
in the GD we were expecting m$ to anounce games and insteadsonyanounced more games than their already large exclusive list more sorrow for xbox.
it's true people I know that were going to buy a xbox recently has switched PS3 it's like m$ is not even trying any more it's relying on it's past to help it.
ye but lemmings will say "just wait" till E3, but im thinking E3 will be a bunch of DLC announcements for 360 fans
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