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E3 Predictions!

Alright, E3 is exaclty just one month away! This is an annual thing I do where I give you guys my predictions. Last year, most of my predictions were correct, lets see ifI can achieve the same feat as last year.

Sony –


Killzone 3 Announced

After Killzone 2 selling over 2mil worldwide and having rave reviews from critics, we all expect this to happen! I mean comeon, its arguably now Sony's biggest exclusive shooter!

infamous 2 Announced

This is my most-wanted announcement out of all E3 this year! infamous was just so incredible for me, and the ending blew my mind! Just a teaser of whats to come next for Cole is enough to make me go crazy. I mean it's pretty much confirmed, it was reported that sony just registered the url :D

Resistance 3 Announced

After that big billboard on one of sony's movie studios! You'd think Sony would announce it by now, but Im still surprised they still didn't. E3 would be the perfect opportunity to show insomniacs next game!

LittleBigPlanet 2 Gameplay

Just announced, what bugs me is that y didn't they wait till E3? I guess they'll show a demo of LBP2 with all new features! They'll pretty much explain why they call it "the platform for games"

The Last Guardian Gameplay

Probably the most anticipated moment of the Sony Press conference! Everyone is waiting to see the gameplay… Its not confirmed, but this is what people want and I know it will happen! This could be the last part of the conference!

Twisted Metal Announced

Jack Tretton will announce that they are planning to bring more ****c franchises to the PS3! They did it with Gran Turismo… So he announces the much-awaited Twisted Metal game for PS3 with a trailer! Sure, David jaffe said he wont be attending E3 this year, and said that how can he announce his game when hes not there… I can give you an example, was Stig Asmussen there when they announced GOW3 2 years ago? NO! David, you don't have to be there for your game to be announced silly! Anyways, we all know he's trying to mess with our brains, but I'll pretty much confirm it for you! Twisted Metal WILL be announced at E3 this year… A Teaser trailer will most likely be shown.

GT5 Release Date

After all this wait, and still no firm release date! What happened? Comeon, why do we have to wait so long! Anyways the release date will be announced and I predict Fall 2010. Sometime in October or November.

Agent Gameplay/ Trailer

Our folks at Rockstar games will be coming on stage to show a brief demo of Agent! This PS3 exclusive was announced last year and its time to see it in action!

3rd Play, Create & Share Game announced

Last year, Jack Tretton has said that they plan on making this Play, Create & Share thing a genre of gaming! He announced Modnation Racers (the second game in the so-called "genre") anyways he will announce the third IP I guess… But the real question what can it be?

Playstation Move Software lineup + Release Date (Ape Escape)

The least exciting news for me.. I will probably be bored in this part of the conference where they talk about their stupid PS Move. I k now some people care about this thing, but not me. They will show the software lineup, probably show LBP2 with PS move, and announce the new Ape Escape which will use the motion controller. (Ugh)

FFVs13 Update/ Gameplay

How many years do we have to wait Nomura? Really?!? Comeon man. Just show us the damn gameplay! Im guessing Sony will take the opportunity to show why FFvs13 is better than FFXIII! Graphics-wise and gameplay wise!! If were lucky he might announce KH3 too, but I really doubt that will happen!

3D Firmware/ functionality Announced

Sony said they are preparing to launch their 3D support on the PS3 this year! They'll probably talk about it, but I hope to god they don't go rambling for 20mins about it! Please Sony no one cares!

New IP game announced

Sony usually announce 1 or 2 new IP's each E3! Last year Agent & Modnation racers.. 2008: MAG They must have something new and cool up their sleeve!

Mass Effect Announced for PS3

Alright Microsoft, you have been playing dirty for the last 2 years first FF13 and then Metal Gear Solid! Its time for us to be even dirtier! Jack Tretton Brings Bioware on stage and then the shocking announcement comes! MASS EFFECT IS COMING TO PS3! If they

Starhawk Announced

Lightbox Interactive have been working on their new game rumored starhawk! The spin-off to Warhawk! We might see gameplay or a trailer for this one.


God of War: Ghost of Sparta Gameplay

The Sequel to the highest rated PSP game of all time! The BIG DAWG as I like to call it:P They'll show a demo, and this could probably be the swan song of the PSP sadly!

Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep Release Date

They'll mention how cool the lineup this year is, and announce a release date for this game! It was released last year in Japan and ever since it was Non-Japanese fans (like AMD91) cant wait to have it in their hands!

MGS: Peace Walker

My guess they will just mention how good this title this, more of an honorable mention nothing more.

New Bundle (Announce a new bundle, maybe with the new GOW game)

Uncharted PSP?

A possibility, but Its unlikely! Uncharted is one of those games that really relies on its epic adventure. God of War is more about gameplay, and so its really easier to do a GOW game on PSP, nonetheless, this could happen! We can see the debut of Nathan drake on Sony's handheld! After all, GOW, Resistance and Ratchet all have made their debuts on the PSP! We'll have to see if this does actually happens!


PSN Premium , Paid service will be announced and it will have extra features! This could be cool, or not! :P


Project Natal –

So Microsoft will announce the REAL name of this thing. Project Natal is dull and Nerdish! Whats Natal anyways? Ill expect it to be a bit more catchy and I guess its logo will be flashy and hip :D The software is the most important aspect of the whole motion sensing thing! Will they change gaming forever, will the controls be responsive! They showed us tech demos last year, its time for them to show real games!

Fable III Gameplay,

Peter Moyneux will come on stage and start rambling and promising things in Fable III that will never happen :P It has happened gazillion times and it will never change! He will be over-dramatic, boring but the gameplay of Fable III will be the most interesting part! Lets see what new things are in Fable III.

Halo: Reach Gameplay (Campaign)

The Bungie Guys will come on stage to show the Halo Reach campaign! Maybe debut new weapons, abilities! Will they have the same impact as MW2 did last year in the MS conference? We'll have to see… They'll talk about how well the Beta is doing, and about 2.5-3mill users are on the beta making it the biggest console beta of all-time or something! Cheesy as usual!

Gears 3 Gameplay

My guess the last part of the conference and definitely the most anticipated part of the whole conference! Comeon, Gears is awesome and I cant imagine what new things they can do with this game! Cliffy B will show the demo of this game and it will be one of the high moments of the whole conference! Can't wait for this! :P

Shadow Complex 2 Announced

They'll announce the sequel to the mega downloadable game Shadow Complex! Probably a trailer or something perhaps!

Multiplatform Gameplay/s (COD: Black Ops)

Usually Microsoft need to show some big Multiplatform title in their conference. Assassin's Creed, MW2, RE5.. This year is no different and my guess is that they will be showing COD Black Ops, One of the most anticipated titles of the year, and my guess it will have that epic feeling as MW2 did.. The Trailer is on the 18th and it kinda reminds me of that epic feeling of MW2! I expect helicopters, hanging from ropes and doing all those crazy action sequences!

Portal 2 Gameplay

They will show the gameplay of this game! It was announced in Gameinfomer a few months gao, and people can't wait to see what is new in this sequel! I never played the original as I don't really care.. Not my type, but I imagine this will be good.

Valve New Game announced

My guess is that Valve is working on another game! Left 4 Dead 3? Maybe… It's a possibility. What would really shock me is that if they announce a new Half Life! Episode 3, Half Life 3.. I don't know… But if they do lock this in, Microsoft WILL WIN E3! I think they might actually do it! Imagine Half life being an exclusive to 360! Believe me, Microsoft will do anything to win E3, they will do anything to get killer Apps, this could be it! I don't care, as I have both consoles now 8) the more games the better!

Project Gotham Racing 5 Announced

With Forza 3 released last year, they need a racing game this year! PTR5 is perfect! Everyone is expecting this announcement! A Trailer will be shown!

New Banjo Kazooie game Announced

Microsoft cares a bit about the casual market :P They will show the new Banjo Kazooie game, which I really don't care about, but nonetheless it's a famous franchise for Microsoft, and they need the best software lineup this year! This wil solidift their lineup in a way!

Xbox Live – new features

As Michael Pachter said: Microsoft is all about making the 360 the main entertainment medium in the living room. I really do believe this, They announced Twitter and Facebook last year! And before last year Netflix. Theyre gonna expand on that this year, but I really have no idea! The console can pretty much do everything! They'll have something, but I have no idea what.

I expect the Microsoft Conference to have the best presentation! I mean visually, they always aim for that rock concert vibe. They are always the best at organizing the conference. But then again, they only have one console while the others have 2 or 3..


Zelda Wii Trailer/Gameplay

Miyamoto announces the new Zelda! Shocker there :P It will probably be the best part about the conference.. I expect a trailer rather than actual gameplay footage! I'll be surprised if they actually demo this! If they do it will probably be behind closed doors!

3DS Shown

The DS is sellin g like hot cakes, and the 3DS is nintendo's next big thing! They'll show the 3D aspect of the console, announce a release date and the price! Probably show a few games running on this thing! I would like Pokemon Black/White shown working on it, but that is very unlikely! Its like asking Nintendo to Stop selling Wiis.

3DS Exclusive Game

They'll announce some software for the 3DS! It will only run on the 3DS and not on the original! They have to lock some peoples interest in this hardware! Imagine if they say Pokemon Black/White will only be playable on the 3DS. It's possible! Probably not pokemon but maybe a Mario game…

Vitality Sensor Demo shown

The most hilarious part of the conference. Demoing this thing, it will probably also be the most awkward part! How will this thing even work?!? U just put your finger in the sensor and just stare in thin air! What the hell is that? I don't know.. This could be cool, but I really cant imagine how it will be used.

Metroid: Other M Gameplay

They'll show some new gameplay just to waste some time.. Although this will be the most exiting part for me! If I buy a wii, it will mainly be because of this baby. :D

New StarFox Game Announced

Everyone wants this, and my guess Nintendo will announce it just to shut the hardcore audience! There are many titles out there that this game can take inspiration from. This could be intresting

Wii Party Gameplay

The dumb part of the conference, reggie and whatever her name is called will be playing this with each other, being cheesy, silly and not funny! They'll announce a release date for this thing and it will sell a lot! Why? Because it has party in the title!

Stupid Stuff

They'll show some stupid games on the DS, some silly games on the Wii that no one cares about! Its Nintendo.. They are known for short press conferences, uninteresting, and they just waste time with all this casual talk! It will be interesting to see if I am wrong! I hope I am, I wanna be blown away, but they really haven't done that for quite some time now!

Comeon Nintendo!

We can only really know what's to come in a month! E3 cant come soon enough :(