I'm sorry I had to post this blog right away, have been busy playing the first Mass Effect and it is the most frustrating game I have experienced this gen... Never in thse past 2 years have I swore, screamtat the TV. Bioware what the hell happened?How can a gameso ambitious be so frustrating? I really don't get it!!!I readmany reviews and many complainedfrom some awful design choices, but I thought they were just merely small annoyances! It turns out these small annoyances affect huge parts of the game and makes it reallytedious!
Just to be clear, there are some really great moments in Mass Effect... I love the combat, the dialogue, the RPG elements, the Story (so far..) But there are some really ****** up moments! I Swear!
First: Why does this game have the longest elevators ride in the history of videogames? I kid you not... What the hell is that? Its so annoying whensometimes I go the wrong way then I have to ride the elevators up then down... Its so annoying! I DETEST it! Please tell me Mass Effect 2 doesnt have these...
Second: Why can't I manually save? Its so annoying, Imagine I have to rely on this Auto-save feature in the game, which doesn't really save alot... So I tend to re-do alot of missions! Just awful, I never played a game in my life which has bad save as this game! Is that even possible? Its just save... What the hell is this?!?
Third: I hate this Mako vehicle! The controls of this thing are so bad! no really, they are... I saw videos of it, and thought it was so cool! That changes when you get your hands on it. I get that Bioware wanted to change things a bit in gameplay, but this is certainly no way to do it.
These are just 3 of a list of some idiotic design choices I have witnessed! But these are probably the most annoying! I think Gamespot's review is spot-on.. Don't get me wrong, Mass Effect is a greatgame with probably themost unique RPG elements to it.. Very different, and I love it! but these flawsare so annoying, they kind of make me wanna just avoid playing this game!I hope to god Mass Effect 2 is much better... Anyone here played Mass Effect 2 and can tell me if it gets better?