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Why Android is better than iPhone!!!

See in the last couple of days some friends and family have been annoying me with this statement : iPhone is better than Android.. Well I always answer the same thing.. based on what facts are you saying this statement?? See I would agree with you if you can give me a few convincing reasons! Just because you like apple or simply OWN an iphone does not mean the device you have is the best!!

Lets talk a few numbers shall we??? Sales-wise, Android is kicking iPhones Butt.. Android owned over 40% in market share while iphone only had 25%!!! Your argument might be that Android has much more phones, well Microsoft also does, and they only had 3% market share! More does not mean always win!!! Does it now? RIM (Blackberry phones) are 3rd place behind Apple and they have much more phones than Apple!!! So If you simply say that reason then your not really thinking right!!

Maybe you dont care about sales! You care about the actual software! The Wii is the best selling console but its definitely not the best :P Well Android has the worlds fastest Web Browser... Watch Youtube comparison videos between Froyo and iphone!!Its easiar to develop for, and Most of its apps are for free! No Jail breaking! I'd like to see those iPhone users live without Jail breaking, they simply cant!

You see I hate when people say stuff and they don't really have facts behind their statement!! If iPhone isn't outselling Android and it doesn't outperform it technically then in what way is it better?!? It smells nicer?!?!?? Seriously! This fanboyism is starting to annoy me!!! For example when I say you don't have Adobe FLASH (Yes AMD91 Im looking at ya) You don't!!! Dont just say iphone users do!! Go to Fricking and try to play games from your phone! You cant!!! That simple...

Im not saying iPhone is crap... I still think without iPhone there wouldn't be Android!!! The Quality in iPhone is of highest quality and really untouched to tell you the truth! But its NOT better than Android!

To Conclude: Watch this video which gives you 5 reasons why Android is better than iPhone and you might actually learn something...