these comparisons are a waste, gamespot stop doing them! When the x360 version looks better, thast doesnt mean the 360 is better! it just means the developers make a better game from a technical standpoint on the 360! And thats mainly because they're more familiar with the 360, most developers really think PS3 is alien for them! But when comparing, compare first party titles, developers that know exactly how each system works! And that the PS3 wins! Look at Uncharted 2, God of War III, Gran Turismo 5, Heavy Rain! Technically theres nothing like them on the market, so really PS3 wins, and these features are just crap!
The PS3 has Blu ray which allows high MAXIMUM Storage.... Some developers are starting to have problems fitting the Game into a DVD, i.e. Assassins Creed was rumored to be a PS3 exclusive but if it wasnt for removing the Co-op mode making it fit into Xbox 360.. to me its not about graphics cause u cant actually say one looks better than the other one.. ITS IMPOSSIBLE!! they both have their ups and downs, its mainly about the DVD and Bluray the biggest problem with the X360 is the DVD, unless they find a way of allowing Large storage in games producers r gonna have problems with making games
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