I don't see the point to this.
by PSORngr on Comments
This profile thing is stupid. I have absolutely no use for it. So I bring on the random faces: First there is me -> 8) I know the coolness is too much for many people to handle I am an O:-) that's right, you can't touch this. I make this face when you use vulgar words :o waacha! Watch out for the face of doom! You will be frozen into niceities instantly. Oh and I'm already in three colleges :) :D Where all the ladies will be begging for my expertise in various school subjects :-* I'm just too good. :P All they need is a little ;) Don't make me ]:O or I will bring the pain and you will start to :cry: and be very, very, very :( Public speaking is bad :-X :-[ And I :-/ before I act :-$ Well I think that I used all of the faces If you ever have any questions or need any help call Dr. Tran. Thankyou and good night