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Edited By PTMags

@maddk "actually consoles have more better exclusives than pc... and about graphical experience you need a \$4000 comp to run a game the same as a \$400 console..." Lol, a FOUR THOUSAND DOLLAR COMPUTER to get the same graphical experience as a console? You NEED a $1000+ 1080p lcd/plasma tv for your console to even GET IN THE SAME BALLPARK as gaming PCs that cost as much as or less than said tv. Please see my post below. As for having better exclusives? I disagree. PCs have better exclusives, and for the multi-platform games the controls with a keyboard and mouse on a PC are always more accurate, more responsive, and just plain better for anything other than racing games (but you can use a steering wheel) and fighting games (but you can use a gamepad), hence why no one really ports fighting games over to pc. Fallout 3? Better on the PC. COD4/5? Better on the PC. Deadspace? Better on the PC. I could go on and on. I do own a 360 too, but if a game comes out on both 360 and PC, you can bet your ass that i'm going to buy the PC version 95% of the time, and it's cheaper too.

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Edited By PTMags

Ah, the classic console fanboy anti-pc rhetoric: "ZOMG I DUNT HAEV TOO THOUSAND DOLLARZ 2 SPEND JUS TO PLYA GAEMS PC SUX!!!" First of all, while you don't technically NEED an hdtv, your console experience is going to be much better with one, not mention that your games wont look anywhere near as impressive or come close to what a PC can do without a good 1080p set. A good 720p tv will still work too though. Anyways, a gaming pc is most likely going to cost you anywhere from $500ish to $1500ish, depending on what you get and whether or not you need a monitor and speakers etc. A 360, even just a premium, plus a $600-$1000+ hd set is going to come out to about the same IF NOT MORE. And playing a 360 on a standard def tv is going to be like gaming on a $300 pc. Either way, the prices are compareable. So there goes that argument.