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P_R_E_Y Blog

Future of P_R_E_Y

Well it's nice to see a few people are following me now :D and hello to you all, as I write this on Crimbo hope you enjoyed it, apart from scrooges like myself :D Shame the older you get the more forward your looking to the dinner than the gifts :D. Biggest buy for me this year was the £1.4k Wacom to get into my Graphics (after dropping out of the enjoyed Law) so hopefully I will be spurting out more Anime/Manga stuff now I've done my Charity work (designed the T-Shirt to go on sale for the Isle of Man TT next year for the Scottish Free Bikers charity, so let's see how that goes). Funny i said in my last post about getting into the drawing, well thats what happens when you get random career ideas into your head, I had the brains but wanted a job that didn#t feel like a job so for me was drawing ,was always good at it so dunno why I went otherwise... Might get into the actual Animation side as well but early days yet. Also thanks to a mate I will be learning Japanese using some online thing, looks alright, if anything can pick up the odd wee bit, always wanted to do it so might as well pull the finger out and do it eh?

A heads up, I'm not really the most active stick on the tree, so followers don't expect much :P the odd comment or the odd review here (speaking like I mean a lot to this site :D more of a lurker than a member)

Since Leaving Law I've tapped into my "inner geek" so to speak, and watching quite a lot of Anime (AnimeUltima.com) and I wish i tapped into it earlier, some great series I'm behind on and a few I've managed to get into as they are being made. Shakugan no Shana, Vampire Knight, Strike Witches (weird but watchable), Highschool of the Dead and so on obviously the last three are finished and so have I but Shana I spent the last few weeks watching series 1+2 to get onto 3 :D Watched more but will keep this short.

So yeah felt like putting something new on the blog other than the last half assed attempt I made before. Hope you enjoyed your Crimbo and let's hope for a better 2012!

A dream possibly coming to life, or farting in my face, who knows?

Well I'm finally getting into drawing Anime and Manga. I have had a urge to do it for years now, but like me i throw it to one side.

So i decided that during the summer between college, to start, i need something to do over the month and a chunk i have. So wish me luck, im getting into the technique and if it i can pull it off and it flys, might get a site and such.

phhft, doubt it. There is much better people out there than me, MUCH MUCH better. Should probably stick to writing as i have an imagination that is probably unhealthy for someone at the age of 18 (and no its not sex related, im a single man sadly). But you never know.

Dunno why i wrote this no one cares but i felt like it :)

If i do get a site might throw some of my works on it, already got a publisher possible if i ever finish my conspiracy novel.

anyway babbling might as well finish here.

Reviewing games

Reviewing games is important, it tells people if they should jump into buying it or burning it. So it is important to give good opinions and honest opinions about games.

I have made mistakes, Sonic being one of them, but I stand by my opinion.

But milking a should be dead market is bad enough, short and rushed reviews are worse. And im afraid its fanboys or young people that do it. They buy a game they have hyped up about, and on the high of the hype, write a "review" on it. It will normally contain a lot of praising words with no real evidence and only backed on their opinion.

Ok a review is on their opinion, but what I mean is, yes that is a fun feature, but is it really THAT fun? does it continue to be fun if you have to constantly do it? if no, then it isnt that great of feature.

Its worse, when people plaster 10s, no game is perfect, FAR FAR from it, some not so much, but it isnt 10 material. Ten reviews are always done by fans on the high of the hype, and normally makes some others decide to try it and then they hate it, but going on the 400, 10 ratings they thought it would be worth it. Ok thats their fault, but it is the same with the lottery scams etc, makes it look good until your skint, its cheating, you are contributing to it.

If I find a game with a lot of 10s or there is a game I really like, sure I will defend it from the one paragraph 1.0 ratings posted day one of release. However, if I find a bad rating, but the writer has had time to really go into details about why it is a 3.0, then I give it a thumbs up, even if its a game I love to death.

I'm not saying by any means, im a good reviewer, I think far from it, but I feel as a gaming community we should be fair and actually review a game, Sh!t or Holy, it makes it easier on the unsure, and it doesnt cheat anyone either. Just stop it, I know maybe sometimes there is a time when you make your short point and think, that gets my point across no need to say more. Thats fine, im sure there will people who will mark it down, but dont do it to every game review you do... If you can't write more than one paragraph for every game, then don't write at all, it isnt helping.

Not that anyone will read this, but there you go, my opinion, and one I think needs to be atleast considered.

Perhaps add a minimum word cap to reviews? (Not Woofer style, thats like short novels before you are allowed to send a message, and for those who don't know, Woofer is a Spin Off from Twitter, where Twitter you can practically send a single letter, Woofer has a minimum of a thousand odd before you can "chat")


I pick on people a lot. Some i cannot understand their reason, some because their idiots, and many of same relevant reasons others it's for fun and no real harm is being caused. Today it's copycats.

Idiots who think it would be cool to copy the violent movie, stunt show, or game they have just seen. Sure they just done it in front of you and managed to walk away, but half the time its all set up, or have someone who know first aid and can help in a situation.

Games, do you really think you can do half the stuff you see in Manhunt? Mad World? or even Assassin creed? and just like i said in the Game morality blog, but this time i'm going to emphasize the point... IT'S A GAME!. none of it is real, no one is hurt, and there is no penalty for doing it (except maybe a game over etc) but im afraid if you break you neck jumping from building to building, there is no big sign going to come up and say "You are dead Continue?" you're dead, gone, kaput, f@cking inert (thank you Billy Connolly for that line, fits in perfectly) whatever you like to say, there is no loading screen and a respawn point. If kids, or people are dumb enough to try it, maye the parents or friend or family whatever, should maybe think of hand picking the stuff for you to play.

Shows like jackass are done by people like you and me, you'reneighbour, anyone, but they have something you all don't have, and that is a team of people to advise on doing aspects. Slapping each others head with a large ruler is ok. Running around naked and firing nails into you're crotch is somethingspecialised people have given tips on so they don't end up having to loose you're little man (or big man for all the lucky people if you call you're self that). There is nothing cool about it, when they do it it's funny, when you guys do it, it isn't funny or cool, cause we have already seen it. Seen it, bought the T-shirt and threw it away. And when it goes wrong, then who is laughing? If you are then you have something wrong.

Movies. Now you really need to be a right thicko to copy these guys. True some scenes are actually done. But half the time they have safety equipment to protect them from falls, or machines that will launch the car with no one in them. Even green screens for those physically impossible scnese, which is meant to tell you, this is a movie, we can do this, you can't.

I dunno, it's just today's generation, MY generation that is idiots. Call me old fashioned, but i really don't get it, and maybe that will be my next blog, of what today's definition of Cool actually is. And if anyone, who is reading this can give me some ideas for it, much would be appreciated, cause it could also help me understand what i means again.

That's me done, idiots, named and shamed, you all know who you are, and i bet it isn't funny sitting in a wheel chair and only thinking "why the hell i did i do that again?".

P.S. If you are in such a situation, or know anyone in this situation, then i can only say i didn't target you or that person directly, it just stumps me why they would do that, and you and they can see it for you're/themselves. If any action fits into these genres of entertainment, just leave it there.

Game Morality

I have noticed a lot recently "weird" things about violent games. Mainly the people commenting on it.

A game such as Prototype (a game i cannot wait to be released, however this blog isnt about that), over top violence, and has been advertised as over the top. Actually even a game such as World at War, trying to show the hardship of WWII and show the horros it caused, as well as be a good game, all contain violence. Violence sells, same as boobs, females and anything of the like.

But when i read comments about a game, i hear " i dont want to kill civillians" or "is there a option to tone down the gore, bad language" to be honest, i can understand if its for kids playing it (but would you really let a child play a game such as WaW? or Madworld regarless of violence tuning?), but really, why buy a game of that kind and then flinch at the violence? It isn't like you are harming any real people. If you woke up and seen on the news, "street has been sweeped of casualties as man drives down pavement" and then realise you did that on GTA, then you can panic and avoid every innocent in a game within a 100 miles of you're game avatar. But really, what is it that you are worried about? i'm not bringing religion into this, but i have seen some pretty over the top christians rip games apart due to their unholyness.

I placed "weird" the way i have as, i'm sure you all have you're reasons, and they are probibly valid, but i just cannot understand, if you feel that way, why buy a game of that calibur? i haven't seen many if not any violent games that have much options to tone down the violence it contains. So wouldnt that be a good reason to avoid such games?

If this is how you feel towards a game, tell me why, im not going to laugh or comment about it. I mean i have no religion, but i wouldnt hate or nag at anyone who has a faith. It's just something i have noticed and its becoming more recent, and I would like to see it from someone who has these feelings and their point of view.

Anything about early or out of date games...

Why is it that todyay's time we always want the best. We want to know everything about a newly heard of game and we want them to have THE best graphics possible? It seems to me that game companies shouldn't bother about trailers or showing gameplay videos until the game is a week away from releasing. Why? well people seem to be very single minded when it comes to todays games.

I looked into possession, I think it has good potential if they do it properly. So i wanted to read what other people felt about it... and i wish i hadn't. I can understand why people want the good old classic Zombie.. you know the walking targets that stumble about while you aim a nice headshot. But because there is a 32 second video, showing how a fast zombie can tackle its prey... people are coming up with NHL Zombies, true it is a rugby tackle... but don't think the game is rubbish because of it... Its 32 seconds, the game itself hasn't obviusly had any work done to it, so why be so single minded on the fact that a couple of zombies tackling a woman (there was a good couple of people complaining about zombies tackling woman to the floor.... idiots) means the game is going to flop? Wait for the game to get some more development then make proper speculations. Its only fair to games to give them time to show their colours.

I also found rainy woods (after randomly looking through the site), and watched the only trailer it has... what were the comments? "the graphics look crap", so? I think graphics are that of a bonus but not a nessecity. I mean look at games like mad world... pure black and white with some yellow and lots of red. Reminds me of shindlers list (except there wasnt any yellow and the only red in that was a dress). it got 7.5 which isn't bad. But if people like that then why dislike a game with more colours than 3? Games don't need uber leet graphics to be good, you just expect them to and want them to have them. What about the retro games like Super Mario 3, and other retro games... some of them are great games, but do you see any realistic graphics there? no. I think it goes back down to single mindedness... people expect great graphics because as technology gets better everything should get better and stay better. anything drops below par are considerd crap and not worth playing. Its gameplay that make a game, cant have gameplay without the word game in it, so it plays good then it is good. simplz

If people are going to be so single minded then a word to any game developers that might be (tho doudt) reading... don't release anything that isn't up to todays standards. people wont buy it if it doesnt look good. Only show what the finished product looks like and forget telling them the good and new things you are bringing to a game, doesnt look good... doesnt play good is the only image i get from peoples comments. This is a rant, so people could easily disagree and i expect alot of disagreeing and complaints. ut think logically, look around for games that haven't got great graphics and look to see how many people are turning it down due to them, u'll be surprised when you actually look.

appologies about spelling but i am in a rush, so just ingore it and comment how you please