P_R_E_Y / Member

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Anything about early or out of date games...

Why is it that todyay's time we always want the best. We want to know everything about a newly heard of game and we want them to have THE best graphics possible? It seems to me that game companies shouldn't bother about trailers or showing gameplay videos until the game is a week away from releasing. Why? well people seem to be very single minded when it comes to todays games.

I looked into possession, I think it has good potential if they do it properly. So i wanted to read what other people felt about it... and i wish i hadn't. I can understand why people want the good old classic Zombie.. you know the walking targets that stumble about while you aim a nice headshot. But because there is a 32 second video, showing how a fast zombie can tackle its prey... people are coming up with NHL Zombies, true it is a rugby tackle... but don't think the game is rubbish because of it... Its 32 seconds, the game itself hasn't obviusly had any work done to it, so why be so single minded on the fact that a couple of zombies tackling a woman (there was a good couple of people complaining about zombies tackling woman to the floor.... idiots) means the game is going to flop? Wait for the game to get some more development then make proper speculations. Its only fair to games to give them time to show their colours.

I also found rainy woods (after randomly looking through the site), and watched the only trailer it has... what were the comments? "the graphics look crap", so? I think graphics are that of a bonus but not a nessecity. I mean look at games like mad world... pure black and white with some yellow and lots of red. Reminds me of shindlers list (except there wasnt any yellow and the only red in that was a dress). it got 7.5 which isn't bad. But if people like that then why dislike a game with more colours than 3? Games don't need uber leet graphics to be good, you just expect them to and want them to have them. What about the retro games like Super Mario 3, and other retro games... some of them are great games, but do you see any realistic graphics there? no. I think it goes back down to single mindedness... people expect great graphics because as technology gets better everything should get better and stay better. anything drops below par are considerd crap and not worth playing. Its gameplay that make a game, cant have gameplay without the word game in it, so it plays good then it is good. simplz

If people are going to be so single minded then a word to any game developers that might be (tho doudt) reading... don't release anything that isn't up to todays standards. people wont buy it if it doesnt look good. Only show what the finished product looks like and forget telling them the good and new things you are bringing to a game, doesnt look good... doesnt play good is the only image i get from peoples comments. This is a rant, so people could easily disagree and i expect alot of disagreeing and complaints. ut think logically, look around for games that haven't got great graphics and look to see how many people are turning it down due to them, u'll be surprised when you actually look.

appologies about spelling but i am in a rush, so just ingore it and comment how you please