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First day back term 2

well it was my first day back today at CCC and gosh getting up at 6:30 AGAIN for a 7:45 start absolutly killed me. walking to school at 7 in the morning, thank god for ipods...somethin to keep me awake lol

i had math today..woopie NOT ...but the lesson wasnt that bad and i got to perve on my crush lol well for lyk 5min cause he wagged the math test..he's a badass  lol jks he really isnt

i got back my legal studies results!! im so proud with an: A-, C, C-, and b+    yay me i passed  :D :D  :D

and o yes english, well wasnt that peachy im a loner in english  :( i hav no friends in that particular lesson..but we watched mean girls so it didnt really matter LOL

and my best friend, introduced me to a new girl and yeah i dont like her very much..she's very b***hy and snobby..but yeah thats just me 

tune in next time for........MY LIFE!!  lol 

p.s. Jensen n jared r hot