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Jensen ackles

  hey hey hey. . .

HOUSES OF THE HOLY - this was a pretty good ep, aww for emotional!dean and religious!sam!!!        i loved the whole :

Dean looks longingly at the Magic Fingers coin box. Sam enters with food.
Dean: (Urgently) Did you bring quarters?
Sam: Dude, I'm not enabling your sick habit. You're like one of those lab rats that pushes the pleasure button instead of the food button until it dies.
Dean: What are you talking about? I eat.

 now that is funny!! the look on his face at the start of the ep..omg so hot!!  and:

Dean: What's next, you're going to start praying everyday?
Sam: I do pray.
Dean: What?
Sam: I do pray everyday, I have for a while.
Dean: Things you learn about a guy.

religious!sam  wow...thats's was a very aww... moment


and this has been bugging me for ages.....


i read somewhere that he does and im not sure...

well im off to ave meatballs for dinner!!  YUMMMMMYYYYY i love meatballs..

until next time ill leave you with one last quote...this time from Hell House (1 of my fav's)

Dean: What's the matter, Sammy? You afraid you gonna get a little Nair in your shampoo again, huh?
Sam: All right. Just remember you started it.
Dean: Oh, bring it on, baldy.