been wanting to do this post for 4 dayz..but been busy with block exams (ooh i wanna hunt down who ever thought of those evil things) and general school stuff..but better late than never!!
This post contains spoilers for falsom prison blues.. 2:19 :o
ohh myyyy goshhhhh firstly i loved Sam and Dean in those uniforms!! not so many layers for once!!! woot they looked so dam hot
i loved the first scene in the jail when they are assigned their cells...the looks on their faces were sopriceless!! poor Sammy with his cell mate staring at him funny :( and here's a quote! Dean: My roommate didn't say much, how's yours?
Sam: Just keeps staring at me... in a way that makes me really uneasy.
Dean: Sounds like you're making new friends.((poor sammy wit a creepy cell mate))
&&here is another quote..cause it deserves a space in this entry cause of its awsomeness!! Sam: (about being in jail) Dean, this is without a doubt the dumbest, craziest thing we've ever done. And that's in a long storied career of dumb and crazy.
Dean: Calm down. It's all part of the plan.
Sam: So Hendrickson showing up was part of the plan?
Dean: Yeah, the guy moves a little faster than I thought. All we gotta do is find the ghost, put the sucker down, and then grab ourselves a couple of those tear drop tattoos. (omg imagine dean n sam with tattoos!! ahh weird! ...yet so hot lol)
and hereare some pics of Sam and Dean in prison uniforms...i alwayz loved a man in uniform!! squee!!!
^^ aww scared wide eyed dean ^^
^^ laughing dean^^ i love that smile lol
^^ guh! such green eyes and is that...omg it is ..freckles!! ^^
^^and last but not least:D impala love :D^^
^^ ok so 1 more..i saw this pic and could not resist...dean looks so like zoned out in this pic ^^
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