It's coming. And there's no way to avoid it. No way at all! You guessed it! Three Words: California State Testing. My teachers tell me to do well, because it "impacts" our school's reputation. But, I would like to see what goes on behind the scenes at the test result facility. They probably alter the scores and freak some children out with low scores. Maybe that's what I should become when I get old. A test recorder. What does a test recorder even do? The answers are on a scantron. That must be boring putting in thousands and thousands of papers through the machine. Anyways, boredom awaits me at school during testing. The testing isn't even that bad, it's after you finish the test you say what do I do now. Because the teachers are watching you like a hawk to make sure no one cheats. Who would even cheat on a test that doesn't count for your grade. Come on!
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