Ok well i had a little acident in school today . It was gym 2nd period and we were playing kickball outsdie and i am a pretty good kickball player . So the best kid is up and he kicks the ball i go running after the ball so i like dove for it and when i caught it it hit my arm and i landed on my wrist . So i get up acting like it doesn't hurt but it did so then my boyfriend came pver like 2 seconds after that happend and he's like HOLY carp you have to go to the hospital and i like refused but he was like your gonna die so i told the gym teacher that i heart my arm and so he called 911 and an ambulance came and when i got their they gave me x-rays and i broke my wrist so now i have to get this ugly cast on my my arm tomrow because my arm was to slowen today to get it on . It sucks i know g2g bye !!! PS: this is Danielle typeing for Arianna but she told me what to say .
Peace Luv Party !!
- Arianna / Danielle