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Funnest day EVER !!!

Ok i had the funnest day ever today !!! Ok first me My best friend Danielle her boyfriend Gage his twin bro my boyfriend Talan all went to breakfast . I don't like breakfast so i didn't eat but Talan and Gage ate like everything on the menu . But my friends are concerned about the way i eat but i don't have a problem i just have to stay skinny for my pageants . Then after that we went to the beach from like 11:00 am till 2:00 me and Danielle tanned and Gage and Talan did all the weird stuff they do lol . After the beach we all went home to get dressed and we went to the mall with a lot more people it was Me Danielle Gage Talan my friend Karlghy her boyfriend Riley and my 2 friends Jessie and Casey . I bought new Roxy sneakers and i got 3 pairs or shorts from Abercrombie and 3 shirts from Hollister and some underwear from Victoria secrets . When we got home at around 5:30 we all jumped in my pool and swam till like 10 minutes ago . So now everyone is going home to get dressed and were going to a party at my friends house . G2G Danielle is making me get off the computer because we have to curl are hair bye !!!


Peace Luv party !!!

 - Arianna


Ps: i changed my little saying to Peace Luv Party lol