Hey !!!! My name is Arianna !!! I can't tell you were i live or my last name but i can tell you a couple of things about me !! The # 1 biggest thing you need to know about me is I do beauty pageants . I have been doing them since i was a baby i LOVE them !!!! But I don't want to be a modle when I grow up i want to be a fashion designer . I am 14 and i have bleach blonde hair but that's not my original color it used to be dark brown but judges like blondes so my mom made me dye it blonde . I have brown eyes but i have to wear blue contacts to make me look like a real blonde . I am VERY out going and i am nice to EVERY one I meet . I might be a little energetic but you will get used to me !! I have a sister named Kaylen she doesn't do pageants like me shes a year younger and my mom only wants to have 1 child in pagents not 2 so i am the one . But i love my sis and she doesn't care about pageants and stuff but she's cool anyway . I have GREAT friends that suport my pageants 100 % and they rout me on all the way !!! I don't have a favorite food but my favorite color is neon pink !!! Once you guys get to know me you'll love me !!! I am not like regular girls i dont do cheerleading i did but it got in the way of pageants and i had to pick one . I dance and swim . I have to get spray tans a lot because i have to look tan in pageants i also wear these things in pageants called flippers their these kinda like white retainers that make your teeth look realy white but sometimes i wear them with my friends when were palyin around . lol as you can see i talk a lot about pageants because thats my life . Well that's enough about me ask to be my friend bye !!!
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