ok it all started today at 6 oclock in the morning yesterday . So me and 4 of my friends Danielle ,Karlghi , Stephinie, and Kristin decided we were going to have like a huge party that night . So we tell my mom were going to have a party and asked her if she can bring us to school late so we can like look extra hot and have to invitations like great !! So she agreed to bring us 3 hours late . So we did are hair , make up , spary tan , and relized we had NOTHING to wear but at this point it was only like 7;30 and the mall didnt open till 8 . So we did the invatations while we waited .Once it was 8:00 my mom drove us to the mall and we picked out cute but casual outfits .
that was the outfit i wore . Anyway when we got to school we started to go up to people and be like "Hey !!! Come to are party tonight it going to be soooooo much fun luv ya ! " and stuff like that .By the end of the day everyone was like all excited for my party !!! So then when i got home i rembered that we still need out fits of the party !!! Thank god we had a " wear shorts " party or i would have never gotten an outfit because i own every skirt in the world lol .
Thats was the outfit i wore to the party !! We had the best time everyone had a lot of fun lol it was the BEST day ever !!!! PS: Dont be like omg your spoild or your a brat cuz like i am not !!
- Arianna
PSS: I also got this cute avarar for my icon thingy i found in on iconator on the 18th page when you type in Abercrombie tell me if you like !!