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A couple of important things

Sorry I haven't been around this week everyone, I have just been occupied with getting a job, and some other personal matters. But I am back once again, and I have a couple things I want to address. First off, I have too many requests for sigs, and tags and other things like that. So, I am wiping the request list clean, and will from now on be taking only 3 requests at a time. So, if you had requested something from me before today and haven't gotten it yet, re-request it. However, if I already have 3 requests, I will put you on a waiting list, so be prepared to have to wait a bit ok :D Also, I am considering shutting down the MSK and re-opening a new Naruto union that will hopefully be more successful, but I am not sure if I should or not, so I want to know what you guys think. Thanks for reading, hope you comment, and see you guys around ;)
