Yay, time for a dual blog! Ok, so first off I hope everyone is doing good, hope no one is sick or depressed or bored, cause that would be bad. At any rate, I am back for the time being, I still have school work that needs to be done, which I am trying to complete over spring break, yet all the distractions of everyday life and the 4 new games I have aren't helping. Well anyway, I am a level 32! Which, I actually became a level 32 like a week ago, just didn't blog about until now :P
Ok, second part of the dual blog is happy St. Patty's Day everyone! I certainly hope you all are wearing some green today, or I will have to find you and pinch you :P Also, if any of you are looking for some good unions to join, then join the Criss Cross Lovers, Nine-Tailed Hollows, and Naruto Hideaway :) Hmm...let's see anything else to cover here? Oh right I am going to be having my wisdom teeth removed April 2nd, so I won't be on that whole weekend :) Ok, I think that covers it all, see you guys around GS
Pain :)