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Photobucket account cleaned, and 100th blog celebration

Ok, if you didn't read the important last blog, and you had something I made you that was still uploaded to my Photobucket account, then it is gone cause I deleted anything that I didn't need from my Photobucket account. If someone I made you got deleted and you didn't upload it to your own image hoster, than either PM me or comment on this blog telling me what it was I made you, so I can upload it to GS. Now, onto the next subject, my 100th blog YAY *throws confettu* even though it was the last blog that wa my 100th, I forgot to celebrate, so we are celebrating in this blog :D *Brings out a large double chocolate cake* help yourselves. Oh, and just to remind you guys, I am going back to school on tuesday, that's right, this tuesday, so I won't be as active as I am now ok :D See ya guys around GS
