Well, school is out for 4 months :)
I've been spending 90% of my time at my gf's so i haven't had much time to catch up on new games. I've been helping her with Paer Mario: the thousand year door for GameCube and Super Paper Mario for Wii. I like the 1000yr door a lot more because it's more my style of RPG, being Turn-Based and having some pretty whacked puzzles. It's funny seeing my gf play it on GC because she has no idea what a turn-based RPG is so i had to teach her how to use Badges (in a normal RPG they are called Accessories pretty much) and pretty much everything that comes with a regular turn-based RPG like using items during battles, conserving HP/MP, etc.
I'm looking for a job around here too, preferably doing art contracts but it's kinda hard getting art contracts around here. I'm slowly progressing in my portfolio as well...i have some pretty nifty stuff in there now :D
Can't wait for Wild ARMs 5 to come out...ooooooomg that game is gonna rock :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
And what's up with Square-Enix remaking FFIV? They better hop to it and remake FFVI on ps2 or sumthin, FF6,7,8 are (in my opnion) the only FFs worthy of getting TRUE remakes on ps2 or ps3 :) the other FFs were good, too, but not as memorable as those 3. And if I were them, I would have remade FF5 for the PC and made it into a small MMORPG like Rappelz or Silkroad Online :) something free, to give back to the ppl who have been faithful to Square-Enix after all these years of useless remakes and non-north american International/Final Mix releases ;)