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#1 Paintballman97
Member since 2007 • 178 Posts

The Battlefield series is overrated. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good session of BC2, but I hate how it's fans always bring it up as though it's the second coming of Jesus, especially in any thread/article that simply mentions CoD.

I prefer console gaming to PC gaming. Though I can understand why one might prefer PC, I personally don't care for many of the advantages PC gaming has to offer, and rather like the ease-of-use of consoles.



Battlefield series is not overrated. Many "fans" of the series has either only played BC2, or they have never played it all. And they have a point, a lot of people who enjoy CoD will bash Battlefield in a heartbeat. I don't get why CoD gets 4 years in the spotlight, then when BF3 arrives, everyone hates it and calls it overrated.

At first I thought people hated CoD because it was boring. However, I know now that people will simply hate things that are popular. BF3 is one of them.

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#2 Paintballman97
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Socom FTB3 is the best so far. There's stats,co-op,clans,leaderboards,clan leaderboards, character customization, and really good guns.There was DLC a few weeks ago.There's also a report system so there is almost no hackers.

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#3 Paintballman97
Member since 2007 • 178 Posts

Its the beginning of Communism man.Next they gonna take away the Bible.We have the right to bear arms.Pretty soon we won't even have privacy.I mean spread the wealth?Are you kidding me?That's socialism.I said that to prove a certain point but you catch my drift.


Actually, the citizens used guns in revolt to overthrow the Czar and bring in Communism in Russia. Does that mean that guns are actually the FRIENDS of communism? Is that your real agenda? Are you a Marxist-Lennonist trying to use reverse psychology?

So your saying if we allow guns,we allow Communism?You know,some people use them for rectreation.How did America get its rights?Oh they must have used butter knives.So they're never should have been guns,and I would be speaking British right now.

It seems like media is taking over America,not guns.

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#4 Paintballman97
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I have a bad feeling that this thread is not going to end well.

I don't have a "personal relationship" with Jesus. I think he was a great man and a great mind and one of the greatest moralists/minds in human history. That said, the stories about him have passed through so many hands and through so much political purpose, that at this point it's often hard to determine exactly how much of what's in the Gospel that we have today actually came from Jesus' mouth. That said, the very core of his philosophies are probably his own (i'm being optimistic), and they are good and well-intentioned. Though impossible, if the whole world lived by his ideas, the world would be a great place.

That said, I do not believe that Jesus is an aspect of God, nor do I believe him to be the literal son of God. I do believe in God, but I think statement's about Christ's relation to God is either purely metaphorical or purely hyperbole. I do not believe that Christ came back from the dead and floated into the clouds. I do believe that it is, like much of the Bible, metaphor. I won't go into detail as to what I believe those metaphors to be, but certainly, each of us is free to have our own interpretation of them.

Frankly, my personal relationship with God is a lot more interesting than my personal relationship to Jesus, which frankly is only slight more than my personal relationship with other great moralists, like Kant or Mill. As far as God goes, it truly is "personal": I do not believe in any church whatsoever. I find the whole idea and the whole reverence of the church to be insupportable. That said, if you believe in the Church, that's your right...I just can't make myself believe in any Church, nor do I want to. Religion becomes a lot less "personal" when it is "organized." I will do higher powers proud as best I can, not how others tell me to.


Not to lead away from the point but....How can Jesus's words be affected by politics if they hated Him?

A personal relationship with God is like one with anyone else.Only this should be a lot more exalted.Read the Bible daily,pray,go to church.Mostly follow his commands.

Plus Jesus is basically God only he was in man form.

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#5 Paintballman97
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You know what?If you take away guns,crime will still happened no matter what.Criminals still find a way to get them.And the school shootings would stop if parents would actually discipline their children and the government didn't have a tight control over the minds of a kid.

My dad is a pastor and he has a concealed weapon.He wears it to church sometimes.Believe it or not,the chances of a person holding a concealed weapon are pretty slim,but its still there for when it happens.

Stop anti-gun people.All this whining is making me hurt.In the head.


Crime will always be there, but does it have to be this bad? 30000 dead annually? Why isn't it this bad in other countries? Why will the gun lovers here not answer THAT?

I will,and thats because America isn't like other countries.We have freedom here,and more people than Canada(I Assume you use that as an example?).Because it is this bad in other countries.

Canada doesn't have freedom? Or Japan? Or Australia?

Its the beginning of Communism man.Next they gonna take away the Bible.We have the right to bear arms.Pretty soon we won't even have privacy.I mean spread the wealth?Are you kidding me?That's socialism.I said that to prove a certain point but you catch my drift.

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#6 Paintballman97
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You know what?If you take away guns,crime will still happened no matter what.Criminals still find a way to get them.And the school shootings would stop if parents would actually discipline their children and the government didn't have a tight control over the minds of a kid.

My dad is a pastor and he has a concealed weapon.He wears it to church sometimes.Believe it or not,the chances of a person holding a concealed weapon are pretty slim,but its still there for when it happens.

Stop anti-gun people.All this whining is making me hurt.In the head.


Crime will always be there, but does it have to be this bad? 30000 dead annually? Why isn't it this bad in other countries? Why will the gun lovers here not answer THAT?

I will,and thats because America isn't like other countries.We have freedom here,and more people than Canada(I Assume you use that as an example?).Because it is this bad in other countries.

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#7 Paintballman97
Member since 2007 • 178 Posts

You know what?If you take away guns,crime will still happened no matter what.Criminals still find a way to get them.And the school shootings would stop if parents would actually discipline their children and the government didn't have a tight control over the minds of a kid.

My dad is a pastor and he has a concealed weapon.He wears it to church sometimes.Believe it or not,the chances of a person holding a concealed weapon are pretty slim,but its still there for when it happens.

Stop anti-gun people.All this whining is making me hurt.In the head.

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#8 Paintballman97
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the sun =)
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#9 Paintballman97
Member since 2007 • 178 Posts
Maybe cuz my friend didn't get a PS3 cuz he said theres no Halo 3....
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#10 Paintballman97
Member since 2007 • 178 Posts

[QUOTE="danny5329"]I don't really give a damn about Ready At Dawn , or whatever the company name means, it's their own loss. Apparently they have low IQs. Lionheart08

They plan to work exclusively for the Wii, the best selling next gen console. :P

Seriously, I'm sad to see this happen. Ready At Dawn actually put effort into make good transitions from PS2 to PSP. GoW and Daxter played almost perfectly, something I didn't expect to see.

Ready At Dawn, you will be missed. :(

Wait I thought the 360 sold better than the Wii did?