i called the editor of Official Xbox magazine, he gave me he's email, told me to write a review on any game i wanted, preferably on Resident Evil 5 or Fear 2 and send it to him, if he likes then i get hired. although im going to write a couple of reviews first, submit them here, and see what people have to say about it so i can make it better etc.
I am basing my views on the demo :p I still prefer Resident Evil 2, awesome story and it took me 2 years to complete (i was 9 years old!!) i like games that take forever to complete.
Realism games. Hmm. The Perfect realism game is the one that finds the perfect balance between Arcade game play and Realistic situations. i.e. CoD: 4 Found the perfect balance, Hardcore Mode is pretty damn realistic. But if your looking for "other" types of realism (the type that IS real for games but for Real Life) then try Far Cry 2.
I think the 4 hour battle on Project Reality really did it for me. 4 Hours of shooting at enemy tanks, planes, helicopters, Infantry. Oh, and the thing was, there was 32 players per side (64 in total), which contributed to the length of the battle.
Army of two was ok, a little too short for my taste. Resident Evil 5 on the other hand, is a complete waste of time. You cant walk and shoot at the same time, i mean come on is it so hard to multi-task??? There are zombies after you ffs, go go go. But no, you sit there like a plum to kill them, by then they are all over you. And whats with the Zombies? They dont look like zombies nor act like them, since when do they take orders from some guy with a megaphone? If i were you i would invest in L4D, thats miles better compared to RE5
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