I get what people are saying about not wanting to pay. Who wants to pay $15 per month when so many other games let you play for free? But there is something else that needs to be considered. Think about how good the Elder Scrolls games have been, not to mention Fallout, the reviews of ESO to date and in general how good Bethesda is in releasing quality DLC - this isn't going to be on the same tier as free to play games, or at least I would be disappointed if it is.
Hopefully they will allow 14 day free trials to see if it's worth paying. I agree with Boddicker, $10 would be an ideal price, but I also recognize I have no idea what the financials are for a game like this. I don't want Bethesda betting the farm for one game! If they need $15, so be it.
I think Chris said exactly what I wanted to hear - he really enjoyed playing the game and is a big Skyrim / Elder Scrolls fan. This captures for me what I'm hoping for, that the game will still feel like an Elder Scrolls game but will be in an MMO environment. Of course I want it to be a good MMO and want to learn about the UI and player abilities, etc, but those reviews will come. Chris' feedback is spot on what I was hoping it would be.
The thing that stands out to me are the trees. On the PC they look real, on the 360 and PS3 they look like cheap background graphics. Very interesting.
Panther023's comments