Only YOU can stop Fanboyism
by Panzer88mm on Comments
The old saying "fight fire with fire" does not work when trying to silence a fanboy. It's like throwing water on greek fire and watching it spread until everyone is engulfed in it's ever persitant flame. Everyone dislikes a fanboy but no one wants to admit to being one. Why? Because they are annoying, generaly ignorant, and don't listen to reason. Otherwise known as a b****. I've fallen trap to this. In both ways. I have been one, and I have tried to argue with one. But it left me in the same place that I was when I started. Nowhere. So what can one do? How can one defend ones opinion while at the same time not sounding like a fanboy? Simple. Don't take it personal. Don't knocksystems.Understand that all the systmeshave pros and cons. Say what you like about the one you perfer but don't attack another persons choice.People have opinions, people are entilteled to them, and people should have them respected. That goes two ways though. To have opinions respected you must respect others. Respect is the key, but you can't expect other people to start. YOU must start respecting others to get it started. I have seen the error of my own ways. This is the key. Only "I"can stop fanboyism...