Papa_Mo / Member

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Activision vs Harmonix? It's a Tie!

Happy New Year, fellow Gamespotters!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy holiday and for those of you returning to work or school today, my sympathies :)

I had a couple of friends over to usher in 2009 and we played a hella lot of games (Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero: World Tour, Age of Booty and Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action). I'm afraid my PS3 was poorly neglected by me over the holidays. As for the Wii...what was I thinking when I got it?!

It occurred to me as we were playing Rock Band, however, how kind of dull it is. Don't get me wrong, the song selection is great and so far the downloadable content beats the competition hands down. It's just that the Guitar Hero games in general have a much greater sense of humour about them that really shines through when you have a bunch of people in the same room. Everything from the look of the characters to the snarky comments in the load screens as well as the gig venues themselves all have a light heartedness about them that puts you in a great frame of mind when it comes to rocking out. Rock Band just kind of gives you the song to play and that's about it.

In Harmonix's defence, however, I would say that Rock Band is the better single player experience as the presentation of Guitar Hero can get on your nerves if you're playing on your own for a significant length of time. When I finished GH:WT I was almost glad as I wouldn't have to sit through it all again.

I guess what I'm saying is that the two games are very different after all and that it is unfair to say that Activision are ripping off Harmonix outright. No-one should go out and buy both drum kits as a result and even if you don't own both disks that isn't the end of the world. It's just something I noticed and I am grateful to have even one of the two games, let alone both.

Well, my search for gainful employment continues so I shall wish you all a safe and happy 2009! Bye for now!