First (and probably last ) MegaTokyo Entry
by PaperMario97 on Comments
The spaces I made in my last entry was a big improvement. I will continue that in my next entry. I REALLY don't feel like rating a game now (maybe in my next post ) . Now I guess I'll prattle on about MegaTokyo. It is an astonishing webcomic, and I first discovered it when my friend brang the book to class. He said it was great, but when I saw it , it looked like a dumb black and white manga I'll have troulble reading/ understanding. But, being the good friend I am, I read it and laughed and enjoyed myself. It is SO funny! It has been going on for five years, although, while reading the webcomic and Fred Gallagher's rants sometimes, it does show signs of it slowing down. The webcomic itself is very emotional, and reading it, along with Fred's rants, makes me happy to have come accross such a webcomic. While( or after, I really dont remember) I was reading the webcomic, my friend Johnathan ( the one who let me borrow the book in the first place ) told me about how it's online and I should check it out to keep up to date with the latest comics( the book was volume one and had old issues). I did'nt go to it, mainly because my computer that I have been using for 6, or five years, was very slow. I did'nt bother till I got my bigger and faster computer. Anyway, much thanks to my best friend, Johnathan. I will miss him. He is going to another school so at September, he'll be gone and I wont see him again, unfortunetly. Anyway, you too should check out MegaTokyo at . As I always say at the end of my entries, thats all for now.:D