I was recently on the legend of zelda union and I found a link to a twilight princess compilation video I watched it in its entirety and at the part about 11 minutes in when link is fighting the giant flame thingy and he needs to switch between his iron boots and not his iron boots, now on the Wii version (the one I'm getting) some people said that in order to switch between items you had to point the controller in the corner with the D-pad, but while I was watching it I saw that Navi (AKA the pointer of the Wii-mote) was not pointed at the D-pad and that person was still switching between items it made me very happy because that was one rumor that would have made my experiance with TP very annoying. If there are any other horrible (or good) rumors that anyone has heard about I would also like to hear about them so please post some here.
The TP compilation video