Finally got EBay purchase
by PaperMaster on Comments
I've been waiting for Goemon's great adventure for about 3 weeks and was wondering if it would ever come but it has unfortunately I need a controller pack to play it so I have to wait till tommorrow to get it from my friend at school. I did play the first level which made me feel happy. In case you didn't know this game is quite possibly my favourite N64 game besides OoT and MM and is definately my favourite multiplayer N64 game. I've never been able to beat the final boss before ( But it was over 5 years ago) so I'm looking forward to that and unlocking the secret town which I've read about I'm also very much looking forward to playing four player once I've completely beaten the game. Most of you have probably never heard of this game but if you have an N64 and some extra cash I suggesting getting it.