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So i hear that the reason that they did away with the PARRY move in Street Fighter 3 and added FOCUS ATTACK in SF4, was because only the "BETTER" players used the parring move in SF3 so they wanted to make it more "fair and balanced" for all. Althought i would like to be seen as one of the "GOOD" players in SF, and i Loved to parry for all the reasons it was their. I HATE the fact that it's gone and in it's place is Focus Attacks. This move in SF4 has 3 levels of strength.this movelets you take a hit andif it's not strong enough to knock you away or downleves your opponent open for a counter strike
(if your fast enough!) The strongest level of this attack can knock your opponent down ( ONLY ) if they are not fast enough to dish out a strong enough blow to knock you down WHILE you are holding down the button command ( MP and MK ) long enough to get your attack out! If you ask me this IS NOT a good trade off and taking away the Parrymove only let players that like to throw Fireballs from across the screen the upper hand. Now if you want a deference, OK that's fine but i still say it's an unfair trade of. And if you think that just JUMPING over the Fireballs is a good idea. Then lets not get me started on us having NO AIR GUARDS in SF4 that protected your from making that mistake and catching a fist to the face with a DRAGON PUNCH!!!!

Papi Pop

i play on PS3