Oblivion wins graphicly and detail wise. Assasains Creed looked nice but the crowds and guards were clones.
ParaBellum71's forum posts
[QUOTE="DPhunkT"]Fall Out 3.
But seriously.... why Left 4 Dead? It's got 2004 computer graphics and the story mode is 2 hours long... GOTY!!
Because it has amazing co-op? It's loads of fun. There's lots of reasons. Also the story mode is 5 hours on normal and 10 on expert if you can even beat it. I love how people say graphics should create GOTY. Let me guess Assassins creed was your GOTY last year?
I'm sorry but a GOTY should be at least double the length of Assasins Creed(20 hours at least.) Unless it's got some godly multyplayer like Halo 2 or Unreal Tournament were back in thier day. Not bashing Left 4 Dead but running around and getting attacked by various sorts of zombies doesn't have the replayablility campaign wise as other games out there and the multiplayer does not have NEAR as good as replayability as other online games unless they pump map content into it like crazy.
Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy 2.
Sniper Elite 2(Add a different theater such as Vietnam, HUGE multiplayer maps, customizable rifles, quick windage adjustments to scope.)
GR3:UQSO (Ghost Recon 3:Ubisoft Quits Selling Out)
Got a quick question that I can't find the answer to.
Haven't used my 360 in about 3 months and I had left It with the controller wire's wrapped around the controller like back in the day. Now as I finaly go to use it again I find that my controller wires wrap automaticly and coil themselves when I have them unwinded and trying to play.
Anyone know how to get these out? I've try'd bending the curves backwards.(Which I fear is damaging the inner wirings from bending and re bending). So short of buying another controller is there another way to get these coils out? I've had the problem before but due to the long period of disuse its an insane amount of coil'ing. To the point where I have to panfully unwrap the coils only to have them re-coil again OR deal with the coils and sit on the floor 4 feet from the TV.
Normaly when i cant connect ill call comcast and ask to re-send my connection(W/e the technical term for that is). That usualy works when the restart modem doesnt.
One time it turned out that an ethernet cable wire's had broken inside due to bending and rebending. Try switching cables... sounds stupid but that was the problem when i couldnt find one.
Edit: Also sometimes my connection just wouldnt work for a few days do to local repairs even though the internet was still running... maybe i wasnt achieving a certain connection speed that i was set for at the time?
The game is made by Valve. Of course it will be on Steam...Englando_IVYes becuase thats so blatently obvious http://www.gamespot.com/pc/action/left4dead/index.html says EA and Turtle Rock(Never heard of them).
And i didnt mean for purchase on steam , Are the servers going to be supported by steam or stand alone kinda like Red Orchestra is.
COD 4giants161
The only thing that could make it more arcady(Is that a word)? would be "HEADSHOT" and "UNFREAKING-BELIEVABLE" blaring in your speakers while you play.
I love how the new COD game coming up will feature perks also , if they dont do it right its gonna be stupid, imagine mounting a Japanese mortar with Sonic Boom and Juggernaut while you have a buddy cover you. Good luck taking that hillside.
So whats with this in the previews of Left for Dead about Four "Scenarios". I know theyll be big but i really was hoping for more then 4 levels regardless of the scaling difficulty and random placements(Hopefully it doesnt turn into a zombie version of RSV:2 where you turn around and theres 40 enemies that werent on the map before.)
Any chance the PC version of the game is going to use Steam so we can see some player created content instead of having to opt for the Xbox 360 version and await the 2 or so additional maps on the 360 marketplace that will inevitibly require me to run to the gamestore and get microsoft points. Personaly if the games using EA servers on the 360 version and no player content on the PC im gonna give this game a pass on both sides, ill get more pleasure out of the zombie half life mod.
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