Dissident Powers
IP: MC.DissidentPowers.com
Dissident Powers is a custom built action-RPG on Bukkit. The gameplay centers around completing bounties for loot to build your character to be able to attain high-scores and do Dungeons. Dungeons are rooms which you require you to do puzzles or fight mobs to complete. The loot system of Dissident Powers is similar to CS:GO or Team Fortress 2, in which you open chests with keys which are earned from bounties. All vanilla crafting is allowed in the game and we encourage players to build a home in our build world.
Spawn World: The main hub for activities. It also contains all the shops and markets.
Adventure World: The world where bounties are completed and where you can mine.
You may adjust your personal difficulty to increase your rewards and ore mined.
Build World: Where you may build a house to store your items and live.
Bounties are miniquests that are completed in the adventure world. Rewards for completing them include Chest Keys, Enchanted Books, Silver Tokens which can be used for repairing gear and other things. You can also earn the monthly trophy for completing 50 and compete on the leaderboards
Dungeons are special maps that you may queue for in sets of 3, 6 or 9. All of the accepted dungeons must be completed in a set amount of time to get the rewards for the dungeon. Each dungeon is timed for around 2 minutes and must be completed with haste. Items are limited so choose your gear wisely!
PVP Arena
Use the gear you have earned to fight your friends in this smash-style arena!
Earn chests by just playing on the server and open them with keys earned from bounties and dungeons!
Each month has a new series chest with new items!
Every tier of armor, (Iron, Diamond, Gold etc.) has it's corresponding powerful set which can be earned by killing custom mobs!
Other features include custom texture packs and sounds, unique helpers that follow you around. And much more!
Get started today! There is no whitelisting required so feel free to join!
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