So I just got Nosgoth a few days ago off of Steam and I have issue with the movement controls. And this is bad because it's messing up my game play and I can't even get past the 1st enemy on the tutorial. Is anyone else having this issue or just me? And does anyone know what I can do about it? I tried to adjust the motion/movement sensitivity and it didn't help.
PartyManiac7's forum posts
@foxhound_fox said:
No, it's an online gaming community. Unless you are a white, straight, teenage male, they'll have a problem with you.
This seems like the case for most communities in a lot of places.
AutoPilotOn said:
I don't understand what it has to do with fighting games at all.
Will characters of multiple sexual orientations in a fighting game/role-playing game sell well to people in the fighting game community, rpg community, or any gamers in general (have to expand options here) without a massive backlash?
That's the concept
BranKetra said:
@PartyManiac7 said:I want to give the characters a story (possibly RPG) and let the player have romance options (or maybe the character can pursue romance with other characters if the player doesn't pursue them.) I want there to be a diversity of sexual orientations so that it helps contribute more to each characters uniqueness. I am not going to stereotype them or have their characters have any moves that are "gay" or somehow reflect sexuality. The characters could tell their sexuality to the player in the story or the player can look at their character profile i guess XD. Sexual orientations just another trait that makes that character that character and that is all. Am I clear?
What about fighting games?
I'm planning a fighting game/rpg
ChiefFreeman said:
This has got to be one of the dumbest questions ever asked in a game forum. Unless you publicly state that you're gay while playing, how would anyone know? And why would you want them to know that anyway?
For those who can't understand this is just to learn about the chances of either having a good sale or a backlash, I'm not worried about the social system. I want LGBT characters to reach a larger audience and make the LGBT feel excited about the game to increase sales, and I did not want anyone to reveal anything about themselves, I want to reach a large audience.
I want to give the characters a story (possibly RPG) and let the player have romance options (or maybe the character can pursue romance with other characters if the player doesn't pursue them.) I want there to be a diversity of sexual orientations so that it helps contribute more to each characters uniqueness. I am not going to stereotype them or have their characters have any moves that are "gay" or somehow reflect sexuality. The characters could tell their sexuality to the player in the story or the player can look at their character profile i guess XD. Sexual orientations just another trait that makes that character that character and that is all. Am I clear?
is this really for marketing purposes??
4myAmuzumament said
I don't know how to quote but yes this is I want to make a fighting video game that includes a number of LGBT characters (and some straight characters) I was just wanting to get an estimate on how well it would sell.
I was wondering if the fighting game community is tolerant of LGBT folk or discriminatory against them in general, yes or nah XD but seriously is it? This is for marketing purposes.
I hear complaints from hardcore gamers about how casual gamers ruin the industry, so what does it take to qualify as a hardcore gamer?
Hardcore gamers if you don't like the "casual games" or the current trending games, why not go on steam, buy Garry's Mod and try making your own games, or playing indie games.
Casual gamers please try some other great games and please don't stay limited to Call of Duty, Madden, FIFA, Candy Crush, NBA 2K, or other most popular games. These are good games, but there's alot more fun gaming experiences to have.
I don't mean to pigeon hole gamers and I am for the most part against it, but I think we all should try to identify more as intermediate gamers and make a scale with numbers on how dedicated we are to gaming instead of making it one or the other, what are your opinions on this?
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