With the economy the way it is in today's world people are constantly on the lookout for the best deal and value. See but there in lays the rub. What is the best deal and value? I find that people are very opinionated on everything weather it be politics, cars, and even American Idol. I still don't understand why people constantly bust balls over the stuff that you will have no chance of changing. I hate American Idol I will always hate American Idol and there isn't a damn thing you guys can do about it. It's the same thing with video games. I pretty much did the same thing with anyone that plays video games in my age demo. I started with an NES with a few choice games, then I got my SNES (which by the way I still think is the best gaming system on the planet cause I still play mine), Sega, Playstation One, N64, and all the rest. Now lets fast forwards to today. I'm 23 and I have a Playstation 3. My friends are always asking why I got the the PS3 and not the 360. Because it was my choice. Not yours, my parents, mine. I waited the whole year for the PS3 to come out after the 360 dropped. I heard things and evaluated which I would purchase when that day came. I even remember the exact date November 2, 2007, as my cousin got married about 6 hours before I went to my local GameStop and dropped the cash. I love my desicion. I think the Playstation is a wonderful piece of engineering. I don't care if the exclusives are none exsistant. Lemme just ask you guys a question. How many of the 360 owners play modern warfare? World at War? Assassins Creed? Need for Speed? Every sports game on the planet? I can get all those on the playstation and still clock in over a hundred hours in less than two weeks. It doesn't matter. Is what I'm trying to say here. Everyone in video gaming pretty much plays the same games even if you are a PC gamer (but even that doesn't apply all the time, Starcraft 2 here I come!) All I'm saying is leave the hate at the door everyone makes choices in life. I went with a PS3, and at least I don't have to worry about the Red Ring of Death.
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