@theKSMM As I posted, if they called this an MMO many of us wouldn't be complaining. All this doublespeak and "oh its for your benefit" blatant lying is what has us up in arms.
Call a spade a fucking spade, don't give me a shit sandwhich and tell me it's a steak.
While I can see how 3D can enhance some games, I don't quite see that working too well for Sins other than just making battles messier. I'd also like to note if you posted that comment on the official forums ("freaking fleet tax") you'd likely be torn apart by the vets lol. Shrug. To each his own, but I gotta agree with them, the tax is only inconvenient if you're absolute crap at managing what little economy exists in the game.
Each expansion is basically the base game plus the previous expansions thrown in, that might explain some of the complaints. I don't know if you got a discount if you owned the previous versions but yeah, I can see some people moaning about basically having to buy what they already (partially) owned. Still, it doesn't detract from the fact that overall it's a pretty compelling package and remains so with Rebellion.
PaulJA's comments